Thursday, August 9, 2012


I writing to you for those who forget what it feels like to feel good. I believe we are sensitive beings caught in a world where we are told to shut down, press on, move ahead, and essentially, forget. Especially when it comes to body aches and disapproval.

The past month or so I havent been feeling on top of my game when it comes to my body. I still feel good, but not great. I do remember what and when I felt AMAZING! I find it hard to believe that it could have anything to do with my diet. Im a raw foodist, only eating cooked vegan every now and then, mostly when I go out to eat or when someone makes me something. I mostly love to make my own food and stay in. Dining out is great for social purposes but the food lacks the luster and vitality I have come to enjoy in my own preparation. Id much rather feed my friends than spend a dime in a restaurant but I do accommodate when necessary :)

Which brings me back to the past few months- mostly just sheer exhaustion. 3pm hits and I want a nap and a late evening stroll with my pup before hitting the bed. I get 9 hours of sleep a night, sometimes more, definitely feeling like I need more these past couple months. So I switch up some food items and add in other supplements. I focus intently on winding down at night and drinking at least 3L- 5L of water a day. I start realizing Im barely eating a thing. Ive lost my appetite. My body goes into starvation mode and now Im not only tired but my joints hurt and my muscles ache. I start drinking calming tea before bed and soon I add valerian root into my diet just so I can sleep through night because now Im waking up at 3/4 am needing to rub my arms, legs, feet, and hands- they hurt. I start praying to God to please not let me end up like my mother. She has RA. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a debilitating disease of the autoimmune system where your body attacks itself, unable to recognize what is good versus bad/foreign substances in the body. It deforms your bones and causes massive swelling. Right now, there is no cure for RA, only lots of steroid drugs and replacing each joint in your body with metal. Im so not down for either of those options and I especially dont want this hereditary disease!

I go to the store and buy this green powder plant based protein supplement to add to my morning smoothies. It tastes alright. It claims to be 100% raw and is filled with not only fruits and veggies but a ton of sprouted grasses and grains. My symptoms worsen. I return the product.

So plastic in hand (credit card) I go to the doctor and colour in my aches and pains for him. He raises his eyebrows and says "whats going on Channing? This is one interesting pain diagram". I coloured in my pelvis, my hips, the outside edges of my feet, the medial portion of my knees, a line in my quads, the back of my right knee, my mid back, shoulders, right deltoid, and explain my dietary issue as well as the exhaustion, pain, aches, and the numbness in my arms in the past few months. I feel great after an hour and we talk about the foods Im eating. Which brings me to the point of this blog:

He reviews my history and he asks if Im still a raw vegan . Yes. We go over some more things and he hands me a list to follow for the next month. Im thankful I dont really eat alot of the stuff on this list but it is extensive. I have to say its been 3 days and Im feeling so much better. I didnt even take a nap today! My rings are getting loose again and my clothes dont feel like vices any longer. Im looking forward to seeing positive change. Ive added the list just so you get an idea. I can add things back in after a month and see how I fare. I can do this!

Basically our food supply is not what it used to be and we are suffering the consequences. Im so thankful that I eat all ORGANIC produce. I highly encourage you to be aware of your food sources, of what you are putting into your body and to be acutely aware of how you feel after you eat. We should feel vibrant and ready to live more after we eat, not bloated, tired, achy, or ready to call it a day/night. Food is our nourishment not our slave, science experiment, or detriment. If it helps, keep a food journal. What you eat and how you feel. I think there are alot of people who think that my lifestyle is excessive but I believe in health and feeling exuberant. If I have to give up potatoes and corn to feel good so be it. I think Life is worth living, not feeling like shit, complaining about it, and ending up unable with health impaired at the age of 50. I have too much self respect.....and its my hope that you do too. Our courage will reward us.

My "avoid" list:
corn oil
peanut oil
safflower oil
brazil nuts
poppy seed
copper beans
kidney beans
navy beans
domestic beans
green beans
red beans
Absolutely NO GLUTEN
No grains: especaially bulgar,corn, familia, graham, matzos, oat, pumpernickle soba, semolina, sprouted grains, wheat, white flour
chinese cabbage
purple/red cabbage
white cabbage
domestic mushroom
shiitake mushroom
mustard greens
black/greek/spanish olives
red potato
white potato
alfalfa sprouts
brussel sprouts
corn syrup
anything pickled
black tea

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